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>It has to unite Who said that? Who ordered that? Это эквивалент "в каждой организации должен быть политрук, чтобы не было брожения умов". Who said the nation can't dissolve if the people within it find it uncomfortable to live together? Западные страны вообще-то на бумаге либеральные демократии со свободой слова, Америка по крайней мере. In theory there is no limits on the narrative and representation that the actual game developers choose beside demand and public backlash, potential deplatforming. Want to target game to asians, it's their right. If they want to maximize profits, then they target game to whites(european aesthetic, less ethnic representation), because in the west (especially in Europe) they are still the absolute majority. Increasing representation doesn't necessarily increase profits, it often lowers them. So the shit they are pushing is mostly ideological, to appease the "gaming journalists". Some might find the situation where the universally woke gaming "journalists" (who nobody reads / listens to btw) created an artificial demand for censorship to be rightfully unpleasant. >That is the reason they dumb down gameplay They don't dumb down the gameplay to unite the nation, they do it to make it playable by children and by the people to the left side of the IQ distribution. >To make it accessible Making it accessible isn't uniting the nation. There is an argument to make that the zoomers in the west are so deeply brainwashed with wokeness and muttness that there indeed a natural demand for this shit, and a need for a political consultant who would ensure that "non-offensiveness" isn't violated. Not sure about it. I doubt it. The truth is, I think, is that regular writers, with the title "writer", not a variant of "woke consultant", are perfectly capable of feeling the zeitgeist, their environment and their culture, and do something that wouldn't endanger their carrer, without these people whose title is basically "political commissar" or "a person with neovagina". >My game is not targeted at anyone. It doesn't matter. You still defend a complete toxic parasite, who would have destroyed your life without any regrets. Добавить комментарий: |