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Некто написал,
>only FtMs go to the competitive sports.

You must be fucking high. How was it possible to miss all the news about MtF athletes who won first places using their male musculoskeletal structure, causing lots of controversy in the west?

>Non manly women

Your definition of a non-manly woman is a infantile whore. Not only this is some made up fantasy of an insane moron who is disconencted from reality, it is also a literal impossibility in terms of human evolution -- a population where women are a parasitic anchor is uncopmetitive with a population where they contribute, and therefore can't be the ones who survived.

>venue to show their bodies and dresses, looking for sugar daddies

It seems you are only capable of extrapolating an existing stereotype into extreme absurdity, without any care about what's actually happening. Like literally redefined his psychological defects as "feminine", convinced himself that it's true, and isn't embarrassed write shit based on these absurd assumptions. You should have transitioned into the only gender that's appropriate for you -- it's called "Sadkov". The unique gender that only Sadkov has.

>never try to dominate each other with their big dick art.

Big dick art gives social status and increases male attractiveness in the eyes of normal women. The fuck are you talking about?

>So women, being narcissistic,

Another made up statement.

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