nancygold's Journal
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in nancygold's LiveJournal:

    Wednesday, January 1st, 2025
    12:19 pm
    The LoTR Anime
    IMHO order of magnitude worse than the Amazon series.
    Despite Peter Jackson's direction.
    The funniest moment is when the girl jumped from the top of Isengard,
    landing with her fat butt without a scratch.
    Girl's dad suddenly having super-human strengths,
    and the whole daddy issues line is absolutely cringe.

    Also anti-incel body-shaming message? Really?

    Still better than your Iron of Fate: Enjoy your Steam

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music:
    Thursday, December 19th, 2024
    9:48 am
    Niice movie. Not the Touhou movie, but still.

    The fraudster wizard himself is apparently portrait after Elon Musk.

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, October 7th, 2024
    10:26 pm
    Finished The Rings of Power Season 2
    Not much new, beside a token Chinese elf girl.
    Alas she dies the moment after her introduction.
    No references to the Russia-Ukraine war either.

    Everyone hoped for a scene of orcs raping Galadriel.
    But it was only implied.
    So we will have to wait for AI to render it.

    Alt-rights got devastated by orcs having families.
    Even though that was in the original Tolkien's books.
    In fact, this season closely follow Silmarillion.

    Celebrimbor is like Putin, who lives in the matrix,
    believing his advisers that Russia is winning.
    Until the Ukrainians knock at his palace's door.

    BTW, there is a recent Joker 2 movie.
    It actually made alt-rights insanely mad.
    They turned Joker into a gay.
    And the movie is like a Disney musical lol.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
    3:07 pm
    Kevin Sorbo bitches about getting cancelled for being neo-Nazi

    As a child I always liked Xena more. Kevin's acting was too bland.
    Maybe he will be good as Trump's sidekick, but not an olympian god.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Joseph LoDuca - The Wrath Of Callisto
    Saturday, August 17th, 2024
    2:48 am
    Finished The Wheel of Time series
    Much better movie compared to this Shannara or the Rings of Power.
    Apparently the books were worse, and the fans are butthurt,
    a few characters are non-white.

    This month Amazon pushes out the second season for the Rings of Power,
    which is based of The Silmarillion - most boring Tolkiens shit,
    so I guess it will be even worse, unless they rewrite everything.
    Otherwise even the burning asses of the tolkien zealots wont save it.

    All in all, The Witcher is still the worst of all these book adaptations.
    Guess you cant turn slavshits ideas into anything remotely nice.
    Literally even Shannara is better.

    t. grown up watching Xena and The 10th Kingdom.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
    12:16 pm
    Gravity is much more solid than Interstellar
    The only part I didn't understand is how did the Clooney's character still had a momentum, resulting in him dying. The only explanation is that the station itself had angular momentum. But that was confusing and not passed well to the viewers. Still the best space movie I seen so far.

    Although people say that Interstellar is the fault of Lynda Obst, who wrote the story, and Nolan just followed her vision. Lynda Obst is a boomer lady, who did only romantic comedies and psychological dramas before. Interstellar's astronaut's daughter character is just her self-insertion. So if you see Interstellar as a psychological drama allegory to Obst's daddy issues, then it all suddenly makes sense. TLDR: mah nigga Nolan dindu nuffin.

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, April 22nd, 2024
    10:04 am
    Boring shit with a retarded amateur story for boomers
    Nolan is no Kubrick