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Пишет neirolog ([info]neirolog)
@ 2008-01-21 02:10:00

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Стук-стук, я твой недруг
Dear user iaf_1,

It has come to our attention that you have posted material in your entry here [http://iaf-1.livejournal.com/18439.html] that contains threatening statements to another person, including a call to receive personal information about this person. This qualifies as a severe violation of our invasion of privacy and harassment policies according to our Terms of Service. We have therefore temporarily suspended your account until such time as you are available to delete this entry.

If you would like to reinstate your account in order to make the required change, you can do so by clicking the link below. Your journal will then be unsuspended for a period of just 1 hour, during which time you must delete this entry -- editing the entry will not qualify as compliance. The entry must be deleted. If you unsuspend your journal but do not delete the entry within 1 hour, your journal will be suspended permanently.

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LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

Вот так у нас чмо Ахмидзянов кривляется и надеется уйти от ответственности за распространение наркотиков. Ага, привет - фихушки. Чмо гребанное, сохранненая тема:

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2008-01-21 03:45 (ссылка)
жалкий вы стукач и в самом деле

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2008-01-21 03:47 (ссылка)
что-то базарящих много стало последнее время, и главное ни одна мразь не хочет отвечать :)

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