Shit on you, shit on her, shit on me in the end
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Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

    Time Event
    Адвентист Тибет говорит в интервью:
    I’m not saying that all of these people don’t have their own beliefs but they are all really passionate and they are all great friends. Antony doesn’t share these beliefs and his work of very different to mine but the common thing is with any of the people I work with, even if say people like Antony or Marc Almond or Pantelaimon is that they like Current and that is why they can make it so passionate.

    How many of my audience have the literal belief in the second coming? Well, probably a minority but I know there are traditionalist Catholics fans for Current 93, I know there are Born Again fans, I know there are Evangelical Christian fans of Current, there are Pagan fans of Current, because you don’t have agree with that I believe in. I think people are aware that I do believe in it. I have a respect for their beliefs, I might not share them but I think it’s important that people are passionate about what they believe.

    Passionate — вот ключевое слово, здесь проходит водораздел, здесь кончается быдло и начинается фашизмTM, и я выбираю ту сторону.
    — Правда, плодородная полоса неширока и вскоре она переходит в узость и неадекватность. А за ней снова начинается быдло! =)
    — Может быть, фашизм тождествен связан с мерой и равновесием?

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