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Пишет onanymous ([info]onanymous)
@ 2018-02-24 15:26:00

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Deepest saturation dive

COMEX Hydra 8, Hyperbaric Experimental Centre, Marseille, France, 1988. Breathing a gas mixture of hydro-heliox (hydrogen 49%, helium 50% and oxygen 1%), it took four COMEX (Compagnie maritime d’expertises) divers, and two divers of the Marine nationale (French Navy), eight days to compress inside a chamber to the maximum bottom pressure of 53 atmospheres (780 psi). A total of six dives were conducted with a total of 28 hours of work at depths of 520 m (1,706 ft) and 534 m (1,752 ft). Once at depth, the divers conducted pipeline connection exercises in open water. After completing their assigned tasks, the divers re-entered the chamber for 18 days of decompression.