Diary of a madman - February 22nd, 2020

February 22nd, 2020

February 22nd, 2020
07:52 pm


Russia is trying to help Sanders campaign

Новый вброс от CNN со ссылкой на Washington Post (последние
блокируют доступ если у тебя на компе стоит adblock, тьфу на них)

Washington (CNN) -- Sen. Bernie Sanders said Friday that his
campaign was briefed about Russian efforts to help his presidential
campaign, intensifying concerns about the Kremlin's role in the
US presidential race.

It remains unclear how Russia is attempting to help Sanders,
according to The Washington Post, which first reported the effort.
The revelation comes a day after it was reported that the US
intelligence community believes Moscow is taking steps to help
President Donald Trump win and at a time when Sanders is emerging
as the Democratic front-runner.

Speaking to reporters in Bakersfield, California, Friday afternoon,
Sanders confirmed that his campaign was briefed about the Kremlin's
efforts about a month ago and condemned Russia's attempts to
interfere in US elections.

Не ну а что, вместо одного ебанутого посадить другого, не менее
Кстати, Сандерс выиграл Неваду. С двукратным перевесом по отношению
к Байдену, который идет вторым.

Current Music: Can -- Soon over Babaluma

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