Diary of a madman - Post a comment
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08:18 pm



>трампоиды протащили
>и которые действуют до сих пор.

Ты про это?


On March 10, 2020, Jerry Nadler proposed a bill to reauthorize the Patriot Act, and it was then approved the majority of US House of Representatives after 152 Democrats joined the GOP in supporting the extension.[14] The surveillance powers of the Patriot Act needed renewal by March 15, 2020,[12] and after it expired, the U.S. Senate approved an amended version of the bill.[13] After President Donald Trump threatened to veto the bill, the House of Representatives issued an indefinite postponement of the vote to pass the Senate version of the bill; as of June 2020, the Patriot Act remains expired.[259]

Надлер - образцовый трампоид, бгг

On a similar note, referring to hypothetical impeachment proceedings against President Trump that would begin in the newly elected Democrat-controlled House, he suggested a "three-pronged test" that "would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding". Such a test would include "the offenses in question must be so grave", and "the evidence so clear", that "even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary". If determined that the president committed an impeachable offense, lawmakers must consider if such an offense would "rise to the gravity where it's worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding," Nadler stated.[21]

On September 24, 2019, Representative Lance Gooden (R) proposed a resolution to remove Nadler from his position as chairman of House Judiciary committee, accusing him of unlawfully beginning impeachment proceedings before the House had given the committee authorization.

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