Diary of a madman - Post a comment
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09:15 pm





The settlement marks the end of a lawsuit that was filed in
2019 by students, community organizers and the Compton Unified
School District. The settlement was praised by critics who say
standardized tests are biased against low-income students,
students with disabilities and Black and Latino students.

“The makeup of this year’s applicants already show that students
are no longer deterred from applying based on their inability to
access standardized testing,”


The SAT test base price includes the two main sections: Math
and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. There is a fee for adding
the optional SAT Essay. For the 2020-2021 school year, the SAT
costs $52.00 and the SAT with Essay costs $68.00.

Стоимость теста ужас-ужас, а стоимость жизни в колледже, типа
ОК, раз туда лезут. Ничего, just wait когда этот выпуск выльется на
рынок труда и когда эту публику начнут интервьюировать.

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