phuk_u's Friends
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Below are the most recent 8 friends' journal entries.

    Thursday, February 15th, 2024
    drgs 10:18a
    Александр Залупин. Праздничный концерт
    Monday, February 5th, 2024
    drgs 12:55p
    Смерть гуляет вокруг
    Friday, January 26th, 2024
    drgs 2:34p

    Friday, September 1st, 2023
    drgs 9:21p
    Tuesday, July 4th, 2023
    drgs 6:56p
    "Кругом лежали куски взорванного ломтевоза. Рядом с ногами машиниста валялся несожженный ломоть буржуазной плоти, так и не превратившийся в пролетарский пар. Бубнов посмотрел на свое плечо и увидел в нем торец белогвардейской пули.

    «Зацепило все-таки! А я боялся богородицей небеременной остаться!» — весело подумал Бубнов и вытащил пулю из плеча. Черная кровь, скопившаяся под пулей, лениво потекла из раны. Бубнов поднял ломоть и приложил его к плечу. Надо было идти куда-то.

    «Дойду хоть до Житной! Там телеграмму в депо отстучат: ломтевоз взорвали антимашинные люди!» — подумал Бубнов."
    Thursday, June 29th, 2023
    drgs 1:15p
    drgs 1:11p
    Почему Япония не производит хорошее ПО

    "I experienced this working for the US arm of a Japanese company. To report a bug would cause the programmer to lose face, so we had to waste a lot of time going through all kinds of contortions to lead someone to the bug without calling it out. We wrote a lot of "feature requests" that were really bug reports."

    "In a Japanese company, people in general do not speak openly in meetings, because they are afraid of disrupting group harmony. Ideas need to be circulated in a series of one-on-one discussions--this is called "newashi" ( This means that for a group of N people, it's N*(N-1)/2 private discussions that need to happen. And everyone needs to be in agreement and comfortable that the idea is "right", and that there is nothing the slightest bit off with it. Only after all these discussions have happened and everyone is fully bought-in, there is then a meeting to "rubber stamp" the idea."

    "While the risk-adverse and face-losing-adverse traits of the Japanese culture can explain the (in general) slow development and response of Japanese companies (not limited to software), they cannot explain the quirky, often ugly and not user friendly UI of Japanese software. Germans are a bit risk-adverse, too, though not comparable to Japanese, their software, especially enterprise software are showing the same rigid UI and in general difficulty to use. In fact, you can not use them without reading the manual or being trained and that is expected from the end users, too! In a stark contrast, user-oriented software today are very intuitive, offers pleasant onboarding thus every user can use them casually."

    "The same holds for Germany. Beside the "no pain no gain" attitude, the pursuit of "perfection" leads to weird outcomes. For example, the music band Kraftwerk dissolved because half of the members wanted to make sounds that looked "perfect" on an oscilloscope and not how good they sounded."
    Saturday, June 24th, 2023
    drgs 1:13a