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Пишет pilpilon ([info]pilpilon)
@ 2005-10-27 10:50:00

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I'm walking out of love
I'm walking bad really down Like a cool breeze
I'm gonna be late again Driver wait for me please
I'm drivin' all in vain Tryin' to catch this fuckin' train
Time don't fool me no more
I throw my watch to the floor was so lazy
Time don't do it again Now I'm stressed and strained
With anger and pain In the subway train
Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous
Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see
No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy
I think it's nine When clock says ten
This girls wouldn't wait For the out of time Out of time man
Time don't fool me no more
I trhow my watch to the floor was so la_zy
Time don't do it again Now I'm stressed and strained
With anger and pain In the subway train
Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous
Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see
No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy
I think it's nine When clock says ten
This girls wouldn't wait For the out of time Out of time man
Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous
Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see
No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy
Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous
Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me
Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see
No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy
Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous
Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me

Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see

No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy

Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous

Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me

Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see

No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy

Now it's half past two Long gone the rendez vous

Now it's half past three Time made a fool out of me

Now it's half past four Oh baby can't you see

No use in waiting no more It's a timing tragedy

Now it's half past two

Now it's half past three
Now it's half past four