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Пишет pilpilon ([info]pilpilon)
@ 2007-10-20 19:14:00

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Никто не зовет меня строителем яхт.
Всех очень обрадовал тот факт, Что Дамблдор был геем, о чем Джоанна Роулинг сообщила в недавнем интервью.
Но это мне еще больше понравилось:

Q: In the Goblet of Fire Dumbledore said his brother was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms [JKR buries her head, to laughter] on a goat; what were the inappropriate charms he was practicing on that goat?
JKR: How old are you?
JKR: I think that he was trying to make a goat that was easy to keep clean [laughter], curly horns. That's a joke that works on a couple of levels. I really like Aberforth and his goats. But you know Aberforth having this strange fondness for goats if you've read book seven, came in really useful to Harry, later on, because a goat, a stag, you know. If you're a stupid Death Eater, what's the difference. So, that is my answer to YOU.
[loud applause]