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Пишет plucer ([info]plucer)
@ 2010-12-13 19:45:00

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Telegraph.co.uk: "Banksy donates £80,000 to Russian art collective who engage in public orgies".

A mural in Liverpool by Banksy (Photo: Alamy)

Banksy donates £80,000 to Russian art collective who engage in public orgies, animal cruelty and obscene graffiti.

Banksy has announced that he will give the proceeds of an auction of his prints today to a radical Russian art collective called “Voina” or “War”.

Though £80,000 is probably not a lot of money for the secretive and by now extremely wealthy graffiti artist, it still rates as a very generous gesture.

It is one that will be welcomed by Voina itself, two of whose members are languishing in jail on hooliganism charges. The two men complain that they have been badly mistreated by the police.
Yet in donating some of his cash, and by association sharing some of his stardust with Voina, Banksy’s admirers are likely to be left even more puzzled about his tastes, his beliefs, and possibly even his judgment than they already are.

Whereas the anonymous British graffiti artist has cultivated a reputation for subtle and often thought-provoking social commentary through graffiti, Voina’s approach is less nuanced.

Its stunts in the past have included throwing live cats at McDonald’s workers, organising a public orgy in a museum featuring a heavily pregnant woman, and scrawling a giant penis on a bridge in St. Petersburg.
The explanations for their eye-catching actions have been varied. The live cats were meant to relieve the McDonald’s workers’ boredom, the orgy was to protest at Vladimir Putin handing the Russian presidency to Dmitry Medvedev in 2008, and the phallus stunt was meant to poke fun at Russia’s FSB security service whose headquarters in St. Petersburg were nearby. The radical performance artists have also released cockroaches inside a court room to protest at modern-day art censorship, overturned police cars to protest against corruption, and jumped on an official’s car to protest against the Russian elite’s use of flashing blue sirens to avoid traffic rules.

Journalists who have interviewed them say they have been struck by the group’s fondness for shop lifting, particularly when members are hungry. Formed in 2007 by a group of students, few ordinary Russians know about its activities due to Kremlin censorship. Voina enjoys something of a cult following on the internet however. Though they are undoubtedly opposed to the Russian state in its current form, their ideology, which can be seen here is more anarchist than pro-democracy. Some of their stunts have definitely raised a smile and captured society’s zeitgeist; others have been dubious in both taste and legality. But one thing they are not is sophisticated. By endorsing them Banksy has made a statement that will leave admirers of his own subtle art form puzzled once again. But maybe that was the idea.

By Andrew Osborn

Source - http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/andrewosborn/100068133/banksy%E2%80%99s-donates-80000-to-russian-art-collective-who-engage-in-public-orgies-animal-cruelty-and-obscene-graffiti/

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