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Monday, December 25th, 2006

    Time Event
    Снег идет... всем в бомбоубежище.
    Иерусалимский муниципалитет разослал пресс-релиз как готовится к снегу. Надо рубить деревья и антенны, выкидывать с балкона горшки с цветами, и вообще, судя по этому документы, я думаю пора Гайдамаку подсуетится и строить срочно новый палаточный лагерь для беженцев. Вот, что в частности пишет моя любимая мэрия в обращение к "людям Иерусалима":

    "To prevent water from freezing and pipes bursting, the municipality recommends that when the temperatures drop, the public leaves a warm water tap dripping. The people of Jerusalem are also advised check their heating systems, especially those who require ventilation. Make sure roofs and other openings, such as doors and windows are properly sealed, and that the drains are open. Please cut down tree branches in private gardens that are near power cables, check the safety of the electricity system and have an emergency lighting handy. It's important to fasten antennas, water tanks, and other roof-top objects. Please remove objects that aren't fastened and might fall from a high place of get blown over, for example - flower pots, patio furniture and signs. Please avoid staying under pavilions, pergolas, shacks or temporary structure for fear they might collapse."

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