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Пишет imp_278889 ([info]olga_vadimova@lj)
Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya Deafening
Libya’s future hinges on the globalists’ ability to lie long enough to get an occupation force in place.
by Tony Cartalucci
It was reported that Richard Haas, president of the Fortune 500-lined Council on Foreign Relations, had stated clearly that “Libya now needs boots on the ground,” NATO boots to be specific. Now joining the growing chorus of globalists calling for a full NATO occupation of Libya is Neo-Con degenerate, fellow Council on Foreign Relations conspirator Max Boot who recently wrote an editorial for the LA Times titled, “Libya’s problems are far from over,” where he emphatically states “peacekeeping troops” are an absolute necessity to head off what the media is already trying to brand an “insurgency” referring to the Libyan government’s defense of Tripoli.
h ttp://landdestroyer.wordpress.com/

Globalist Richard Haas Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya
Or, "How the Devil Pays"
By Tony Cartalucci
The Financial Times has featured an editorial penned by Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas titled, "Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground," where the arch globalist states that Libya's rebels are in no way capable of rebuilding Libya properly and will require an "international force" to maintain order. Haas breathtakingly admits that the NATO intervention to "protect civilians" was in fact a political intervention designed to bring about regime change. With NATO leading the offensive against Tripoli, a relatively calm city until now, the alleged cause of "protecting civilians" rings hollower than ever.
h ttp://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/08/globalist-richard-haas-calls-for-nato.html

Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground Author: Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations
August 22, 2011
Financial Times
All of this poses serious challenges to the outside world. Nato's airplanes helped bring about the rebel victory. The “humanitarian” intervention introduced to save lives believed to be threatened was in fact a political intervention introduced to bring about regime change.

Now Nato has to deal with its own success. Some sort of international assistance, and most likely an international force, is likely to be needed for some time to restore and maintain order. Looting must be prevented. Die-hard regime supporters will have to be defeated. Tribal war must be averted. Justice and not revenge need to be the order of the day if Libya is not to come to resemble the civil war of post-Saddam Iraq in the first instance, or the chaos (and terrorism) of Somalia and Yemen down the road.
h ttp://www.cfr.org/libya/libya-now-needs-boots-ground/p25683?cid=soc-Twitter-in-Libya-boots_on_ground-082211

Если я правильно понимаю английский, то здесь фактически признание вот этой компании h ttp://www.cfr.org/about/corporate/roster.html в нарушении суверенитета Ливии и свержении ее законного правительства.

Приношу извинения, если эта информация окажется повтором.

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