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Пишет r_l ([info]r_l)
@ 2002-10-09 11:54:00

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Для разнообразия - по-свиноанглийски

Friday, October 11, 2002, 1:45:30 AM, Chief Magna Yamani wrote:

CMY> Attention: Manager/Ceo
CMY> Dear Sir,
CMY> Confidential Business Proposal
CMY> I am Chief Magna Yamani, Accountant of the Federal Ministry
CMY> of Youths,Sports,and culture - Parent body of the
CMY> LocalOrganizing Committee of the 8th All African game tagged
CMY> "COJA 2003" holding in my country next year .In the course of
Hi, Chief!
Please, let me know, what is this game exactly? I play ice-hokey, do you like these games?

CMY> our preparation to host the 8th All African games, a huge sum of
CMY> money running into millions of United States Dollars was
CMY> budgeted by the present civilian administration of our president,
CMY> Chief Olusegun Obasanjo for the successful prosecution of this
How does his name spell? I don't speak English quite good, cause I'm
Ruthenian. Do you know where is Ruthenia located?

CMY> competition. In the same vein, the supreme council for sport in
CMY> Africa also made millions of dollars available for the same
CMY> competition.
I guess, there must be ice-hockey competition too. If it is so, let me
know, please, at what channel on TV I can see your excellent Games? By
the way, do you know, what is "a snow". It is snowing now here, in
Urartu. Snow sucks.

CMY> However, in my capacity as the Chief Accountant, of both local
CMY> organizing committee (LOC), and the Federal Ministry of
CMY> Youths,Sports and culture , my colleagues and I in sensitive
CMY> positions were able to influence the award of the contract, for the
CMY> supply and installation of some of the equipment that will be used
CMY> for the competition.
I guess, you need sticks and pucks. And you have to buy the rest of equipment
like helmets and all this stuff, you know.
I don't speak English quite good, cause I'm Ruthenian.

CMY> The contractor who handled these projects agreed to give us
CMY> 10% of the total contract sum, if we were able to influence the
CMY> award of the contract in their favor. Other foreign firms bided for
CMY> this same contract, but we were able to influence the board to
CMY> award the contract to the firm we had this agreement with.
CMY> This contract has been successfully executed and they have been
CMY> paid 90% of their total contract sum, remaining the balance of
CMY> 10% which we never wanted them to collect on our behalf
CMY> because of the fear that they might not fulfil their promise. It is
CMY> pertinent to note that, the remaining balance of seven million,
CMY> united states dollars (US$7,000,000.00) is lying in the suspense
CMY> account of the First Chartered Bank Lagos, ready for transfer
CMY> into an oversea account.
Wow! how many sticks&pucks one can buy for this money!

CMY> I have been unanimously mandated to seek for an honest and
CMY> trustworthy foreign partner who will assist in ensuring the
CMY> successful transfer of the above sum of money into his
CMY> Personal/Company account since the Nigerian Code of Conduct
CMY> Bureau does not permit us to operate a foreign account as public
CMY> servants. On the successful remittance of the fund (US
CMY> $7,000,000.00) into your nominated account, for your kind
CMY> assistance you will be adequately compensated.
It's really interesting proposition. I have two or three accounts in
different banks, because my later uncle, Prince-General Maurick
Kotsman, former Prime-Minister of Ruthenia, was killed by his batman
(it's not a person from the Hollywood film, a batman is something
like a servant) and our family has big problems with uncle's money,
(the total sum Forty Six Million United State Dollars (US$46,000,000,00)).
Now we are looking for a foreigner who will help us to solve this
problem (cause the money is always the problem, you know).
Please, take into account my proposition and let me know.
All you have to do is to immediately send me the details of a bank account anywhere in the world for me to arrange the
proper money transfer document. The money will then be transferred into the account for us to share in the
ration of 60% for us 30% for you while the remaining 10% will be set
aside for expenses incurred with here and there.

CMY> Be rest assured that, the modalities and logistics towards the
CMY> successful transfer of this fund has been worked out. All we
CMY> require from you is your cooperation. This transaction is 100%
CMY> risk free. We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of
CMY> secrecy it deserves. Your swift response will be highly appreciated
CMY> and kindly provide your phone and fax number for further
CMY> information. Upon your acknowledgement of this proposal, I will
Well, I don't speak English quite good, cause I'm Ruthenian. Please, kindly furnish us your contact information,that is
your personal telephone and fax number for validation purpose and acknowledge receipt of this mail using the above email address.
All Maurick Kotsman's family will be grateful for your assistance.

CMY> forward to you the detailed procedure for this transaction.
CMY> Note that, this transaction is legal and free from all sorts of risk
CMY> and trouble. It does not contravene the laws of my country nor
CMY> any International laws; hence the whole approval for the transfer
CMY> will be official and legally processed. This transaction will be
CMY> concluded within five (5) working days if we follow it up and give
CMY> the serious attention it deserves.
CMY> Awaiting your prompt response.
CMY> Best regards,
CMY> Chief Magna Yamani
Be blessed!


Три случайных стиха из ЕО:

И всех соседей развлекло.
И кучера, вокруг огней,
Без принужденья в разговоре

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2002-10-08 23:01 (ссылка)
Я сначала подумал, что Вы собираетесь ему на поросячьей латыни отвечать, тогда бы было как-то так:
"Ihay, Ifechay!
Elsaepay, etlay emay owknay, athway isay isthay amegay ectaxylay? Iay alyoay icehokeyay, oday oyuay ikleay esethay amsegay?"
Хотя так замучаешься писать, но в АФрике бы впечатлились.


2002-10-09 06:03 (ссылка)
Каждый раз отвечать таким на такое :)

Скоро придётся выпускать антологию :)


2002-10-09 10:21 (ссылка)
because my later uncle, Prince-General Maurick Kotsman, former Prime-Minister of Ruthenia, was killed by his batman (it's not a person from the Hollywood film, a batman is something like a servant)

Это пять! Долго смеялся ;)
(кстати, бальзаму таки выпил с Флитманом, и с Морозовским - он тоже болел)
