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03:27 pm


(1) The Nobel Prize is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to a scientist and a society for several reasons:
1. All knowledge is based on the “prevailing opinion” of the university educational establishment of the day, including their claim to exclusivity.
2. Nobel prizes impede the progress of scientific knowledge because their conclusions tend to dogmatize. Almost all conclusions have been shown to be wrong after a short time or after several years or decades.
3. A very small, extremely elitist group, estranged from reality, determines what is science and what is not. These people prescribe ”scientific” methods and meanwhile suppress contradictory knowledge, excluding from publication through ”peer review”, i.e. the prior checking of scientific publications according to their criteria, and undesirable findings that refute their own ideas and dogmas.
See the report on the Nobel Prize in the journal WissenschafftPlus No. 1/2017, including a picture that gets to the heart of the issue and says more than a thousand words.
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