Лыцарь пичальнава образа - Tell me that you also understand the irony of this quote: [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Tell me that you also understand the irony of this quote: [Apr. 2nd, 2017|02:45 pm]
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I guess you just can't even understand the concept of Philosophy with your tiny mind. Philosophy is a lifetime work. What Nate is doing is stupid kid trash talk, he takes all the points of his opponent and turn them into ridiculous statements, and that has always been the case. He has no idea of the world apart from his own tiny vision, and that is the contrary of philosophy.
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Date:April 2nd, 2017 - 02:37 pm
Nope. I don't.

Who the hell are those people? Why should I get irony of their funny controversies?
Date:April 2nd, 2017 - 02:48 pm
(1) you should not know these people. we are talking about their logic not their personality.

(2) because it is fucking funny.

User A claims that Ph is an insular unknowable unexplainable PERSONAL EXPERIENCE unavailabale to the user Nate.
User A assumes that Ph is universally precious and should be praised by the user Nate.
Then he accuses the user Nate of INSULARITY!!! using the testimony that the user Nate managed to convey his message to the world in a non-personal manner by means of universally understood language and without reference to his unknowable life-long experience.
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Date:April 2nd, 2017 - 03:37 pm
(2) Funny like Joker, yeah.

I'm making less and less fun of degenerates. I'm angry at them.