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Пишет six_fold ([info]six_fold)
@ 2014-02-07 13:42:00

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- He shared the seventh Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory with Simon B. Kochen, which was awarded for a series of three joint papers[1][2][3] on Diophantine problems.

- Simons' research involved the discovery and application of certain geometric measurements, and resulted in the Chern-Simons form (also known as Chern–Simons invariants, or Chern–Simons theory). In 1974, his theory was published in Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants

In condensed matter physics, Chern–Simons theory describes the topological order in fractional quantum Hall effect states. In mathematics, it has been used to calculate knot invariants and three-manifold invariants such as the Jones polynomial.

(born on May 30, 1937 in Moscow, Russia) is an American physicist
A 1959 graduate of the University of Michigan, Zweig proposed the existence of quarks while a graduate student in physics at the California Institute of Technology in 1964 (independently of Murray Gell-Mann). Zweig dubbed them "aces" after the four playing cards, because he speculated there were four of them.
Zweig later turned to hearing research and neurobiology, and studied the transduction of sound into nerve impulses in the cochlea of the human ear. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_wavelet_transform)

THEY ALL work(ed) for Renaissance Technologies on Long Island, New York.
- Jim Simons, Founder, President & CEO
- James Ax, founder of Axcom Trading Advisors, predecessor to the Medallion Fund, and a mathematician
- George Zweig - ?

High Frequency Trading

Led by Jim Simons' Medallion Fund, the high frequency hedge fund category is now the most profitable on Wall Street.

Renaissance Technologies is an American hedge fund management company of about 275 employees.

For the 11 years ending in December 1999, Medallion’s cumulative returns were 2,478.6 percent. Among all offshore funds over that same period, according to the database run by hedge fund observer Antoine Bernheim, the next-best performer was George Soros’ Quantum Fund, with a 1,710.1 percent return.

и что касается кварков

"На основе своих работ Гелл-Ман и Нисидзима предложили в 1961 году классификацию элементарных частиц-адронов (независимо от них такую же классификацию предложил примерно в то же время Ювал Нееман). Подобная классификация объясняется в настоящее время при помощи кварковой модели. Гелл-Ман называл свою модель восьмеричным путём, так как в модели присутствовали октеты частиц"

Смешаем химию с музыкой - Правило октета на 4-х пальцах:

Заменяя в любом 4-х звучном аккорде любые 2 ноты, и проделав то же самое с получившимся в результате этой операции аккордом, снова получим первый аккорд (от новой ступени) - в обращении, зависящем от выбранной для замены пары нот.


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