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Saturday, September 19th, 2020

    Time Event
    H.E.R.R. - The Fall of Constantinople


    H.E.R.R. - The Fall of Constantinople
    From their album "The Winter Of Constantinople".

    The city is lost now; there's no time for sleeping
    We're dying; we're falling; our women are weeping
    The souls of our children, like bricks and like mortar
    So helpless and broken, like lambs to the slaughter

    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    At the gates! At the gates!

    The wardrums are pounding a rhythm divine
    Our soldiers are marching for one final time
    The rabble approaches, now sensing our fear
    Barbarian conquest, of all we hold dear

    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    At the gates! At the gates!

    By Mehmed and Ishak our city is torn
    Their ships anchored fast off the coast of the Horn
    Our warriors lie helpless, now covered in flies
    'Neath ragged aggressors with greed in their eyes

    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    At the gates! At the gates!

    We can't match the strength of the Janissaries
    Anatolian justice, we're brought to our knees
    Byzantine heroes, struck dumb with awe
    And labouring under the Saracen claw

    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!
    At the gates! At the gates!

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