А я брахаць ня ўмею, дык і завыў - August 26th, 2002

August 26th, 2002

August 26th, 2002
10:30 am
[User Picture]


Гэта - найлепшая iлюстрацыя да канца эпохi .com'аў. Калiсьцi была high-flying кампанiя FirePond з крутым палыхаючым цiкерам FIRE, а зараз:
Ticker symbol has changed to: FIRED

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11:01 am
[User Picture]


Даслалi тут цiкавую паперку ад Sentencing Project. Вось вытрымка (all bold highlighting is mine):
The newly released figures show that an estimated one in ten African American males in the age group 25-29 is in state or federal prison, compared to just over 1% of white males. If black male inmates in local jails are added to this count, the proportion rises to nearly one in seven.
As a result of state-based disenfranchisement laws that restrict voting rights of felons and/or ex-felons, an estimated 13% of black males will be unable to vote in the November 2002 elections.

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