А я брахаць ня ўмею, дык і завыў - August 18th, 2009

August 18th, 2009

August 18th, 2009
05:56 pm
[User Picture]


Medical fun
Mice practice coprophagia—which means they eat each other's feces.

Compared with mice that didn't have a healthy cagemate added, the diversity of the gut microbial community in the mice that ingested normal feces was restored to normal.

That seems to echo findings of a retrospective study on humans in 2003. The study looked at 18 patients over a nine-year period who had recurrent C. diff and who had stool transplants performed.

In this case, doctors took stool from a person close to the patient, such as a spouse, and inserted it through a tube into the patient's nose and from there to the stomach.

The study found 15 patients had no more recurrences.

took stool from a person and inserted it into the patient's nose
took stool from a person and inserted it into the patient's nose
took stool from a person and inserted it into the patient's nose
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