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Пишет imp_1064 ([info]ded_maxim@lj)
What exactly do you refer to as "fact picking?"

Transnational corporations do, in fact, only preach free-market ideology; in reality, they use all means available to them in order to crush competition (example: banks merging, claiming that if they are too small they "cannot compete effectively").

Pharmaceutical companies are also responsible for the proliferation of disease in Third World countries -- they use their influence with the IMF, as well as EU intellectual property laws, to effectively shut down local competitors. You can read about it in Joseph Stiglitz's book "Globalization and Its Discontents." Correct me if I'm wrong, but Stiglitz is hardly a left-wing ideologue.

Go ahead and name a multinational corporation which conducts its business with complete honesty and without resorting to political pressure in order to keep steady profit.

Of course, there is a lot of Chomsky worshipping going on, but one certainly should not succumb to the temptation of defining Chomsky through his audience.

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