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@ 2022-12-21 08:00:00

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The Ubiquiti Diaries: A Site-to-Site VPN Story

Ubiquiti Networks is a popular vendor of networking-related equipment in the SMB / SME space. Their gear is immensely popular among prosumers too, thanks to the combination of ease of use and the ability to customize for specific requirements. I have been running an Ubiquiti UniFi installation at home for the last five years or so, and recently had the opportunity to create a new deployment in another country. There were two main reasons to go with Ubiquiti for the new location - a single management plane for both sites, and the ability to easily create a site-to-site VPN. More than three months into the deployment, I ended up encountering a host of issues worthy of documentation to help folks who might encounter them in their own installations. This article gives an overview of the various site-to-site VPN options available with Ubiquiti's gear, and things to keep in mind while adopting them.

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