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Monday, March 9th, 2020

    Time Event
    International Women’s Day: The Long & Winding Road to Gender Diversity

    With International Women’s Day on 8 March, ExchangeWire asked leading women in the industry if they feel we are any closer to gender diversity, the positive initiatives taking place, and what work still needs to be done. Twenty five brilliant women share their views on their experiences as women in the industry, as well as the steps they believe need to be taken, to encourage more workplace and industry gender diversity; from workplace flexibility, training for women in leadership positions, [...]

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    Publishers Let Randoms Stick Ads In Their Slots

    In his latest article penned for ExchangeWire, Independent Ad Fraud Researcher Dr. Augustine Fou (pictured below) discusses the risk publishers face by allowing third-party vendors to serve ads into slots on their sites.
    Would you let someone stick their germ-ridden, muddy fingers in your cookie dough, right before you eat it? Ew, of course not. But that is exactly what publishers are allowing to be done to them by allowing ads from programmatic sources to be served into ad slots on [...]

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