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@ 2020-07-08 14:53:00

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The "Open Usage Commons" launches
Google has announced
the creation of the Open Usage
, which is intended to help open-source projects manage their
trademarks. From the
organization's own announcement
: "We created the Open Usage
Commons because free and fair open source trademark use is critical to the
long-term sustainability of open source. However, understanding and
managing trademarks takes more legal know-how than most project maintainers
can do themselves. The Open Usage Commons is therefore dedicated to
creating a model where everyone in the open source chain – from project
maintainers to downstream users to ecosystem companies – has peace of mind
around trademark usage and management. The projects in the Open Usage
Commons will receive support specific to trademark protection and
management, usage guidelines, and conformance testing.
" Initial
members include the Angular, Gerrit, and Istio projects.

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