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@ 2020-07-23 19:54:00

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Brauner: The Seccomp Notifier – New Frontiers in Unprivileged Container Development
Christian Brauner has posted a
novella-length description
of the seccomp notifier mechanism and the
problems it is meant to solve.

"So from the section above it should be clear that seccomp provides a
few desirable properties that make it a natural candidate to look at to help
solve our mknod(2) and mount(2) problem. Since seccomp intercepts syscalls
early in the syscall path it already gives us a hook into the syscall path
of a given task. What is missing though is a way to bring another task
such as the LXD container manager into the picture. Somehow we need to
modify seccomp in a way that makes it possible for a container manager to
not just be informed when a task inside the container performs a syscall it
wants to be informed about but also how can to make it possible to block
the task until the container manager instructs the kernel to allow it to

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