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@ 2020-01-27 14:25:00

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[Ichthyology • 2020] Platygobiopsis hadiatyae • A New Species of Deepwater Gobiid (Gobiidae, Gobiinae) from east Sunda Strait, Indonesia

Platygobiopsis hadiatyae
 Larson, Jaafar, Hui & Peristiwady, 2020

 The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 68

 A new species of the gobiid genus Platygobiopsis Springer & Randall, 1992, is described based on a single specimen collected via dredge deployed at a depth range of 172 m and 182 m within the East Sunda Strait off Panaitan Island (Indonesia). The new species differs chiefly from congeners in having a scaleless (vs. scaled) chest and belly. A key to the four known species of Platygobiopsis is provided. 

Key words. Gobiidae, Gobiinae, Platygobiopsis, new species

Fig. 1. Platygobiopsis hadiatyae, new species, MZB 17230, holotype, 43.0 mm SL, photographed soon after collection; Indonesia, Panaitan Strait along the Sunda Strait. Photographs by Tan Heok Hui.

Platygobiopsis hadiatyae, new species 
Renny’s Flat Goby

Diagnosis. A very elongate, slender member of Platygobiopsis with flattened head and body, distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: total number of vertebrae 26; dorsal pterygiophore pattern 3-12210; sensory papillae on head in longitudinal pattern, with most papillae fleshy and forming two low fleshy ridges or folds on side of head; sensory pores on head absent; lateral scales 56; scales absent from head, predorsal, pre-pelvic area and belly; no barbels on underside of head; I,12 dorsal-fin rays; I,13 anal-fin rays; 17 pectoral-fin rays; translucent pinkish when fresh, upper part of head and body with fine dark brown speckling, fins translucent with variable brown speckling.

Distribution. Indonesia, currently only known from Panaitan Strait along the Sunda Strait.

Ecology. Large polychaetes, many tube worms, molluscs, crustacea, and ophiuroids came up in the dredge with the goby. The dredge started at 182 m and was lifted at 172 m (after 14 minutes of bottom time), over mud and clay bottom.

 Etymology. This species is named for our dear colleague Renny Kurnia Hadiaty, who died too soon (21 August 1960 to 30 January 2019). She co-authored 19 gobioid species names in addition to many other taxa. 

Helen K. Larson, Zeehan Jaafar, Tan Heok Hui and Teguh Peristiwady. 2020. Platygobiopsis hadiatyae, A New Species of Deepwater Gobiid from Indonesia (Teleostei, Gobiidae, Gobiinae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 68; 14-18. 

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