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@ 2020-01-29 03:56:00

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[Entomology • 2020] Vates phoenix • A New Species and First Record of Vates Burmeister, 1838 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Vatinae) from the Atlantic Rainforest

Vates phoenix 
 Rivera, Herculano, Lanna, Cavalcante & Teixeira, 2020

A new species of praying mantis, Vates phoenix sp. nov. (Mantidae, Vatinae), is described from localities within Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states, Brazil. This is the first record of Vates from the Atlantic Rainforest biome. The new species is unique among its congeners in having, among other features, strongly reduced cuticular projections above the lateral ocelli, structures otherwise well developed and produced in all other species of Vates. Remarks on the natural history and biogeography of Vates, in relation to this new finding, are further discussed.

Keywords: Atlantic Rainforest; new species; Mantodea; Vatinae; natural history

Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 
Order Mantodea Burmeister, 1838 

Family Mantidae Latreille, 1802 
Subfamily Vatinae Stål, 1877 
Tribe Vatini Stål, 1877 

Genus Vates Burmeister, 1838 

Fig. 2. Adults of Vates phoenix sp. nov. 
A–B. Live specimens photographed in a studio. A. Paratype, ♂, from Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (MNRJ-ENT6-28446). B. Allotype, ♀, from Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ-ENT6-28442). – C–D. Pinned adults. C. Holotype, ♂, from Fazenda Recanto (MNRJ-ENT6-28441). D. Allotype, ♀ (MNRJ-ENT6-28442). Scale bars: C–D = 10 mm.

Vates phoenix sp. nov. 

 Diagnosis: The new species can be easily recognized by the following combination of characters: i) cuticular projections above lateral ocelli strongly reduced (almost entirely missing in some specimens); ii) antennomeres of males asymmetrical (s-shaped); iii) hindwing of females with large, yellowish white and partially opaque area that spreads over most or part of the membrane; iv) anterodorsal lobe of hind tibiae at least 50% the length of tibial length (i.e., not narrowly restricted to its middle section). 

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the Phoenix, a mythical, immortal creature that is born again from its own ashes after being consumed by fire. The new species is a homage to the Museu Nacional of Rio de Janeiro, which was destroyed during a massive fire on September 2, 2018. The entire entomological collection, representing more than 5 million specimens, was destroyed, including all praying mantis specimens. Only a few specimens of Vates borrowed in the context of this study, including our new species, survived the event. Vates phoenix sp. nov. thus symbolically attempts to link the past and the future of the Museu Nacional, as it represents the rebirth of the Mantodea collection and our hopes for the revival of an even stronger institution in the not too distant future.
Fig. 8. Habitus of Vates phoenix sp. nov. Adult female is portrayed upside-down with raptorial legs stretched forward, perching on Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch. (‘oiti’), an arboreal species distinct from the Atlantic Rainforest and abundant within the general area where the female allotype was found. A male specimen is depicted flying, as they often are on the wings through adulthood. Scientific illustration executed by Paulo Ormindo, based on observations of wild specimens.

Julio Rivera, João Felipe Herculano, Leonardo Moutinho Lanna, Sávio Cavalcante and Maria Lúcia França Teixeira. 2020. A New Species and First Record of Vates Burmeister, 1838 from the Atlantic Rainforest (Mantodea: Vatinae). European Journal of Taxonomy. 598; 1–25. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.598

Pesquisadores batizam nova espécie de louva-a-deus da Mata Atlântica em homenagem ao Museu Nacional nationalgeographicbrasil.com/animais/2020/01/pesquisadores-batizam-nova-especie-de-louva-deus-da-mata-atlantica-em-homenagem-ao via @natgeobrasil

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