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@ 2020-03-29 08:56:00

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[Entomology • 2020] Victrix svetlanae • A New Species of Bryophilinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Far East of Russia

Victrix svetlanae 
Koshkin & Pekarsky, 2020

Victrix svetlanae sp. n. is described from Russian Far East, Khabarovsk Krai. The new species belongs to the subgenus Poliobrya Hampson, 1908. New species is most similar to V. umovii (Eversmann, 1846) and V. patula (Püngeler, 1907) but differs in both external and genital characteristics. This is the first record of the genus Victrix in the Far East.

Keywords: Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Bryophilinae, Victrix, Poliobrya, new species, Russian Far East

Victrix svetlanae, adults.
Russia, Khabarovsk Krai, Verkhnebureinsky district, Bureinsky Nature Reserve.

3, holotype ♂, 6.VII.2016 (Coll. ZISP); 4, paratype ♂, 7.VII.2018 (Coll. EK);
5, paratype ♂, 11.VII.2018 (Coll. EK); 6, paratype ♂, 7.VII.2018 (Coll. OP);
7 & 8, paratypes ♀, 12.VII.2018 (Colls EK, OP). 

Victrix svetlanae Koshkin & Pekarsky sp. n.

Distribution. Bureinsky Nature Reserve (Russia, Khabarovsk Krai).

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to the memory of Svetlana Vladimirovna Koshkina (1963–2014), mother of the first author.

Evgenii S. Koshkin and Oleg Pekarsky. 2020. Victrix svetlanae sp. n., A New Species of Bryophilinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Far East of Russia. Zootaxa. 4750(4); 585–590. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4750.4.9  

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