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@ 2020-05-01 06:05:00

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[Entomology • 2020] Haplaxius dougwalshi • A New Species of Planthopper in the Genus Haplaxius (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae) on Palms in Costa Rica

Haplaxius dougwalshi
Bahder, Barrantes, Echavarria, Mou, Helmick & Bartlett, 2020

The genus Haplaxius is a large taxon of cixiid planthoppers that is of economic importance due to the ability of Haplaxius crudus to transmit lethal yellowing in coconut palms. Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n. is established as a new taxon of Cixiidae in the tribe Oecleini collected from native palms in lowland tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. Placement in the genus Haplaxius is supported both by molecular evidence based on the COI and 18S genes as well as by morphological characters. This novel taxon was discovered during survey work in Costa Rica to look for phytoplasmas and document planthopper diversity on palms. Furthermore, Haplaxius skarphion was also collected from coconut palms during survey work and is reported for the first time in Costa Rica.

Keywords: Hemiptera, Cixiidae, taxonomy, DNA barcoding, planthopper, palm, Costa Rica

Figure 1. Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n. habitat/host (A–B) and in vivo (C–D).

Family Cixiidae Spinola 1839
Subfamily Cixiinae Spinola 1839

Tribe Oecleini Muir 1922
Type genus: Oecleus Stål 1862

Genus Haplaxius Fowler 1904

Type species: Haplaxius laevis Fowler 1904

Figure 2. Adult habitus  Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n.; (A) body dorsal view male (B) body lateral male, scale = 1 mm.
Figure 3. Adult  Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n.; (A) male head frontal view, (B) male head, pronotum, and mesonotum dorsal view (C) male head, pronotum, and mesonotum lateral view, scale = 1 mm.

 Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n. 

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by a combination of bright orange coloration, facial color pattern of an orange frons with white arch traversing width of frons resulting in a trapezoidal shape dorsad of frontoclypeal suture, large, incurved processes on lateral margins of the pygofer and aedeagus with curved spine near midlength of shaft.

Plant associations. Pata de gallo palm (Asterogyne martiana), Arecaceae. 

Distribution. Costa Rica (Heredia, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui) 

Etymology. The specific name given is an honorarium in reference to the lead authors professor and chair during graduate school (Ph.D.), Dr. Doug Walsh at Washington State University, who’s signature mustache resembles the color pattern observed on the frons of the novel taxon.

 Brian W. Bahder, Edwin A. Barrantes, Marco A. Z. Echavarria, De-fen Mou, Ericka E. Helmick & Charles R. Bartlett. 2020. A New Species of Planthopper in the Genus Haplaxius (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae) on Palms in Costa Rica and A New Country Record for Haplaxius skarphion. Zootaxa. 4767(4); 543–552. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4767.4.4

Resumen: Haplaxius dougwalshi sp. n. fue recolectada en palmeras nativas en el bosque lluvioso tropical en las tierras bajas de Costa Rica y se establece como un nuevo taxón de la familia Cixiidae de la tribu Oecleini. La clasificación de esta especie dentro del género Haplaxius se basa tanto en la evidencia molecular aportada por los genes COI y 18S; así como en los caracteres morfológicos de la misma. Este nuevo taxón fue descubierto durante un trabajo de investigación que se está llevando a cabo en Costa Rica, el cual tiene como objetivo principal la evaluación de la ocurrencia de fitoplasmas y la documentación de la diversidad de chicharritas en las palmeras. 
Palabras clave: Cixiidae, taxonomía, código de barras de AND, chicharrita, palmera, Costa Rica

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