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@ 2020-05-11 08:30:00

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[Botany • 2020] Rhododendron pudingense (Ericaceae: Subgen. Tsutsusi) • A New Species of Rhododendron from Guizhou, China

 Rhododendron pudingense X.Y. Dai, C.H. Yang & Y.P. Ma

in Dai, Yang, Yang, et al., 2020.

A new species of the Rhododendron (Ericaceae) in subgen. Tsutsusi sect. Tsutsusi from Puding county of Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. The new species, Rhododendron pudingense X.Y. Dai, C.H. Yang & Y.P. Ma, is similar to R. myrsinifolium Ching ex Fang et M. Y. He and R. minutiflorum Hu, but it can be easily distinguished by its length and being pubescent on inner surface of corolla tube, sparse hairs below the middle of filament and the glabrous style.

Keywords: China, Ericaceae, Guizhou, Rhododendron, R. pudingense, Tsutsusi

Figure 1.  Rhododendron pudingense X.Y. Dai & C.H. Yang, sp. nov. 
A fruiting branch B flowering branch C leaf abaxial D flowers E side view of flower F stigma and ovary G stamen H capsule.

Figure 2.  Rhododendron pudingense X.Y. Dai & C.H. Yang, sp. nov. 
A habitat B one flowering plant C inflorescence D flower viewed from different angles as well as stigma and filaments E fruit branch.

Rhododendron pudingense X.Y. Dai, C.H. Yang & Y.P. Ma., sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific epithet is named after the type locality Puding County, in which this plant was first discovered.

Vernacular name: Chinese mandarin: pǔ dìng dù juān (普定杜鹃)

Distribution and habitat: So far, this species is only known from the type locality (Pudding County) and from the Wangmo County, Guizhou Province, southwest China. At these locations Rhododendron pudingense grows in evergreen and deciduous broad leaved mixed open forests within the rock cracks of limestone hills, at an elevation of 1300 m to 1400 m.

 Xiao-Yong Dai, Cheng-Hua Yang, Bing Yang, Pu Chen and Yong-Peng Ma. 2020. A New Species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from Guizhou, China. PhytoKeys. 146: 53-59. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.146.51342


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