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@ 2020-05-25 08:26:00

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[Herpetology • 2012] Anzomyia gen. nov. • A New Genus of Australian and New Zealand Horse Fly (Diptera: Tabanidae: Pangoniinae), including the Description of Three New Species

Anzomyia chrysomallis Lessard

in Lessard & Yeates, 2012. 

A new genus of Australian and New Zealand horse fly, Anzomyia Lessard, gen.n., is described, with its type species Anzomyia anomala (Mackerras) originally placed in the Scaptia (Walker, 1850) subgenus Pseudoscione (Lutz, 1918). The new genus Anzomyia is diagnosed and illustrated, along with the description of three new species. A taxonomic key is also provided to include all known species. The three new species are Anzomyia chrysomallis Lessard, sp.n. and Anzomyia pegasus Lessard, sp.n. from Australia, and Anzomyia herculensis Lessard, sp.n. from New Zealand.

Keywords: Scaptia; Pseudoscione; Copidapha; anomala; descriptive taxonomy; morphology

Family: Tabanidae 
Subfamily: Pangoniinae 
Tribe: Scionini 

Genus: Anzomyia Lessard, gen.n.

Etymology: The name is derived from the Greek myiafly, combined with the Australian and New Zealand distribution of the genus.

Species included: Anzomyia anomala (Mackerras); Anzomyia chrysomallis Lessard, sp.n.; Anzomyia herculensis Lessard, sp.n.; Anzomyia pegasus Lessard, sp.n.

Anzomyia chrysomallis Lessard, sp.n. 

Etymology: This specific epithet is derived from the Greek chrysos, gold, and mallos, wool, and refers to the distinct golden yellow hairs covering the species. 

Anzomyia pegasus Lessard, sp.n. 

Etymology: This specific epithet is a latinised derivation of the winged horse Pegasos from Greek mythology, and refers to the projecting face of the species resembling the elongated nose of a horse. 

Anzomyia herculensis Lessard, sp.n.

Etymology: This specific epithet refers to the type locality, Mt Hercules in New Zealand.

 Bryan D. Lessard and David K. Yeates. 2012. Anzomyia (Diptera: Tabanidae: Pangoniinae: Scionini): A New Genus of Australian and New Zealand Horse Fly, including the Description of Three New Species.  Insect Systematics & Evolution.  43(2); 101–116. DOI: 10.1163/187631212X637526  

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