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Пишет Species New to Science ([info]syn_novataxa)
@ 2024-02-29 02:32:00

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[Entomology • 2024] Pendleburyella eremita & P. nimba • New Species of the elusive crickets from the Genus Pendleburyella Chopard, 1969 (Arthropoda: Gryllidae: Pentacentrinae) from Sabah, Borneo

Pendleburyella eremita
Tan, Japir & Chung, 2024

 facebook.com: Arthur Chung


Only one species of Pendleburyella Chopard, 1969 (Gryllidae, Pentacentrinae) was previously known to occur in Borneo: Pendleburyella eirmosa Tan, Muhammad & Wahab, 2023 from Brunei Darussalam. Here, two additional new species of crickets from the genus Pendleburyella are described from the highlands of Sabah, Borneo: Pendleburyella eremita sp. nov. from Bukit Hampuan and Pendleburyella nimba sp. nov. from Mount Trus Madi. In total, six species of Pendleburyella are currently known, three from Borneo and three from Malay Peninsula. It is likely that many more species are awaiting discovery owing to its cryptic morphology and elusive nature.

Orthoptera, key, leaf litter fauna, Southeast Asia, taxonomy

Ming Kai Tan, Razy Japir and Arthur Y.C. Chung. 2024. New Species of the elusive crickets from the Genus Pendleburyella Chopard, 1969 (Gryllidae, Pentacentrinae) from Sabah, Borneo.  Zootaxa. 5397(2); 264-272.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5397.2.7

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