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@ 2024-03-09 03:00:00

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[Entomology • 2024] Eupholidoptera kekrops • A New Bush-cricket Species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Greece


Eupholidoptera kekrops
Alexiou, 2024

Eupholidoptera kekrops sp. nov. belonging to the E. prasina group, is described from mainland Greece. The new species is the first known member of this group from mainland Greece and mainland Europe. Differentiating morphological characteristics, mainly of the subgenital plate and titilator, are presented.

Keywords: Attiki, Eupholidoptera prasina group, new species, taxonomy

Eupholidoptera kekrops, paratype, just before collection, 11.vi.2013, Vravrona, Attiki, Greece.

Family Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902
Subfamily Tettigoniinae Riek, 1952
Tribe Decticini Herman, 1874

Genus Eupholidoptera Mařan, 1953 

 Eupholidoptera kekrops sp. nov.

Diagnosis: The new species is well defined in morphological terms and easily recognizable. The absence of a tooth at the cerci of the male place it within the E. prasina group (Ҫiplak et al. 2009, 2010). The species of this group are distributed in the Aegean islands as well as west and south Anatolia, usually having a very restricted distribution (Ҫiplak et al. 2010).

Distribution.— Known only from Greece, East Sterea Ellas (Attiki: eastern slopes of Mt. Imittos and the area of Vravrona).

Etymology.— The new species is named after Kekrops (Cecrops), Κέκρωψ, the mythical first king of Attiki and founder of the city of Athens.

 Sotiris Alexiou. 2024. Eupholidoptera kekrops sp. nov. (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae), New Bush-cricket from Greece. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 33(1): 67-70. DOI: 10.3897/jor.33.103790

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