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@ 2024-03-20 02:03:00

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[Botany • 2022] Gastrochilus xizangensis (Orchidaceae: Vandeae: Aeridinae) • A New Species from Xizang, China

Gastrochilus xizangensis W.S.Chen, M.Lei & X.L.Wang,

in Chen, Lei, Ma, Jin et Wang, 2022.

Gastrochilus xizangensis, a new species of Gastrochilus from Xizang, China, is described and illustrated based on morphological characters and DNA evidence. Morphological comparisons indicate that the new species G. xizangensis is highly similar to G. raraensis , G. deltoglossus and G. setosus, from which it differs by its lip with two ridges ranging from spur into central part, ridges with dense short hairs, lip margins membranous and white, sparsely with short hairs.

Keywords: Gastrochilus xizangensis, Southeast of Xizang Autonomous Region, Taxonomy, Monocots

Gastrochilus xizangensis W.S.Chen, M.Lei & X.L.Wang, sp. nov.

Wen-Shuai Chen, Ming Lei, Chong-Bo Ma, Xiao-Hua Jin and Xi-Long Wang. 2022. Gastrochilus xizangensis (Aeridinae, Vandeae, Orchidaceae), A New Species from Xizang, China. Phytotaxa. 566(2); 219-226. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.566.2.6 

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