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@ 2024-03-24 05:50:00

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[Arachnida • 2023] Sennin shuanglong • First Record of theridiosomatid Genus Sennin (Araneae: Theridiosomatidiae) from Anhui Province, China, with the Description of A New Species

Sennin shuanglong Yao & Liu,

in Yao, Liu, Zhao, Deng et Liu, 2023.
Background: Only two Sennin species are known from the world, Sennin coddingtoni (Zhu, Zhang & Chen, 2001) from China and Sennin tanikawai Suzuki, Hiramatsu & Tatsuta, 2022 from Ryukyu Islands. No other Sennin species have been recorded from other locations.

New information: A new species, Sennin shuanglong sp. n. is described from Anhui Province, China. Morphological illustrations, SEMs, living photos, habitat and distribution map are given.

Keywords: Cave spider, small body size, taxonomy

Sennin shuanglong sp. n.
A habitat, aspect of Shuanglong limestone cave; B, C webs;
D male; E female; F egg sac.

Sennin shuanglong Yao & Liu, 2023 sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Males of this species is similar to that of Sennin tanikawai Suzuki, Hiramatsu & Tatsuta, 2022 in having the finger-like cymbial apophysis in dorsal view and the triangular cymbial lamella in retrolateral view (Suzuki et al. 2022: 86, figs. 7A and C), but can be distinguished from it by the median apophysis with a thick, strong curved apex (vs. thin, slightly curved in S. tanikawai) and the paracymbium with a sharp needle-like apex (vs. spine-like in S. tanikawai). It also resembles S. coddingtoni (Zhu, Zhang & Chen, 2001) in the triangular cymbial lamella, but can be easily separated from it by the large cymbial apophysis (vs. small) (Chen 2010: 8, fig. 27) (Fig. 2D, E, Fig. 4A and B). Females resemble those of S. coddingtoni (Chen 2010: 7, figs. 19 and 20) and S. tanikawai (Suzuki et al. 2022: 87, fig. 8) in having the copulatory duct with a coil laterally located, but can be distinguished from it by the very long epigynal scape as same as epigynal length (vs. relative long epigynal scape shorter than epigynal length in S. coddingtoni and S. tanikawai) and the transversal spermathecae with a tapering tip in touching area (vs. the transversal spermathecae without tapering tip; the sloping spermathecae in S. tanikawai) (Fig. 3, Fig. 4L and M).

Etymology: The specific name is a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality.

 Yanbin Yao, Mingkang Liu, Rui Zhao, Zijie Deng and Keke Liu. 2023. First Record of theridiosomatid Genus Sennin Suzuki, Hiramatsu & Tatsuta, 2022 from Anhui Province, China, with the Description of A New Species (Araneae, Theridiosomatidiae). Biodiversity Data Journal. 11: e107528. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e107528

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