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@ 2024-03-08 14:38:00

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[PaleoIchthyology• 2024] Cosmoselachus mehlingi • A New operculate symmoriiform chondrichthyan (Symmoriiformes: Falcatidae) from the Late Mississippian Fayetteville Shale (Arkansas, United States)


Cosmoselachus mehlingi
Bronson, Pradel, Denton & Maisey, 2024

We describe a new genus of symmoriiform chondrichthyan from the Late Mississippian Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas, United States, and include this fossil in a phylogenetic analysis of chondrichthyans. This taxon possesses elongate cartilaginous rays extending from the gill arches, forming an operculate structure that covers at least two of the branchial arches farther posteriorly. Although presence of a ‘hyoid operculum’ has been postulated in at least two unrelated Paleozoic sharks (e.g., Triodus, Tristychius), subsequent investigations failed to corroborate those claims. The new fossil therefore provides the first evidence of an endoskeletal operculum formed by elongate, fused pharyngeal arch rays in a chondrichthyan.

KEYWORDS: Chondrichthyes, Symmoriiformes, operculum, CT scanning, phylogeny, new genus, new species

An artist’s reconstruction of the new shark-like species Cosmoselachus mehlingi.

Class CHONDRICHTHYES Huxley, 1880
Order SYMMORIIFORMES Maisey, 2007

Family Falcatidae Zangerl, 1990

Genus Cosmoselachus n. gen.

Cosmoselachus mehlingi

Etymology: Cosmoselachus mehlingi n. gen., n. sp. is named in honor of American Museum of Natural History Senior Museum Specialist Carl Mehling, nickname “Cosm”, therefore “Cosm” -oselachus, in recognition of his contributions toward the acquisition and identification of numerous fossil chondrichthyans, as well as his indefatigable enthusiasm for all unusual vertebrates and many years of service to paleontology.

Allison W. Bronson, Alan Pradel, John S. S. Denton and John G. Maisey. 2024. A New operculate symmoriiform chondrichthyan from the Late Mississippian Fayetteville Shale (Arkansas, United States). GEODIVERSITAS. 46(4); 101-117. 

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