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@ 2024-03-24 02:10:00

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[Herpetology • 2024] Adenomera albarena • A New Species of Terrestrial Foam-nesting Frog of the Adenomera simonstuarti complex (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from White-sand Forests of central Amazonia, Brazil

Adenomera albarena
 Martins, Mônico, Mendonça, Dantas, Souza, Hanken, Lima & Ferrão, 2024

By using integrative taxonomy, we describe a new species of terrestrial foam-nesting frog of the genus Adenomera from white-sand forests of the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve, Central Amazonia, Brazil. Within the A. andreae clade, the new species belongs to the A. simonstuarti complex where it is sister to the lineage from the lower Juruá River. The new species is assigned to the genus Adenomera by having adult SVL smaller than 34.1 mm, by its lack of fringing and webbing between toes and by the absence of spines on the thumb of adult males. It differs from other Adenomera by the following combination of characters: antebrachial tubercle absent; toe tips flattened or slightly flattened, with visible expansions; nearly solid, dark-coloured stripe on underside of forearm; single-note advertisement call; notes formed by 11–21 incomplete pulses; call duration varying between 100 and 199 ms; fundamental frequency 1,765–2,239 Hz; dominant frequency 3,448–4,349 Hz; and endotrophic tadpoles with spiracle present and labial teeth absent. Over the last decade, we have inventoried many permanent sampling modules in ombrophilous forests in the Manaus Region and in the Purus-Madeira interfluve, but the new species was found only in the white-sand forest from West Negro-Solimões Interfluve. Adenomera sp. nov. may be endemic to, or at least a specialist in, this environment.

Key Words: campina, campinarana, integrative taxonomy, tadpoles, West Negro-Solimões Interfluve

Three dorsal colour patterns of Adenomera albarena in life. A. Dark blotches few or absent; B. Many dark blotches; and C. Dorsolateral stripe. Unvouchered specimens.

 Adenomera albarena sp. nov.

Diagnosis: The species Adenomera albarena is recognised by the following combination of characters. (1) Medium size (adult male SVL = 21.2–23.0 mm, n = 21; adult female SVL 22.1–24.3, n = 5); (2) snout of males subovoid in dorsal view and acuminate in lateral view; (3) absence of antebrachial tubercle; (4) toe tips moderately to fully expanded (character states C, D sensu Heyer (1973)); (5) throat in males with condensed melanophores near the jaw and scattered melanophores on the central portion; 6) nearly solid dark-coloured stripe present on the underside of the forearm; (7) Advertisement call composed of a single pulsed note; (8) notes formed by 11–21 pulses; (9) pulses incomplete; (10) dominant frequency 3,448–4,349 Hz; (11) dominant frequency coinciding with the second harmonic; (12) Endotrophic tadpoles; (13) with labial teeth absent; (13) spiracle present; and (14) internarial distance 44–52% of IOD.

Etymology: The specific epithet albarena is formed by the combination of two Latin words: “alba” (white) and “arena” (sand). This is a reference to the white-sand forests of central Amazonia, the distinctive environment inhabited by this species.

Vernacular names: White-sand terrestrial foam-nesting frog (English), 
rana terrestre de arena blanca (Spanish) and 
rãzinha da areia branca (Portuguese).

Natural history of Adenomera albarena.
A. Example of the species’ habitat; B. Unvouchered male vocalising on leaf litter; C. Unvouchered female hiding in the leaf litter; D. Foam nest, artificially exposed for illustration purpose.
Scale bar: ~ 5 mm.

 Bryan da Cunha Martins, Alexander Tamanini Mônico, Cianir Mendonça, Silionamã P. Dantas, Jesus R. D. Souza, James Hanken, Albertina Pimentel Lima and Miquéias Ferrão. 2024. A New Species of Terrestrial Foam-nesting Frog of the Adenomera simonstuarti complex (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from White-sand Forests of central Amazonia, Brazil. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 100(1): 233-253. DOI: 10.3897/zse.100.110133


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