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@ 2024-03-25 14:13:00

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[Botany • 2024] Gentiana mopanshanensis (Gentianaceae) • A New Species from Yunnan, southwest China

Gentiana mopanshanensis Huan C. Wang & Tao Chen bis

in Chen, T.-T. Wang, Liu et H.-C. Wang, 2024. 
 (Photographed by Huan-Chong Wang and Tao Chen)
Gentiana mopanshanensis, a new species of the family Gentianaceae is here described and illustrated. This species is presently known only from the Mopanshan Mountain, Yunnan Province, southwest China. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequence data has shown that this new species is a member of the series Fimbriatae of the section Chondrophyllae. Morphologically, it mostly resembles G. mairei and G. panthaica, but differs clearly from the latter two species in the shape and size of the leaves, and the characters of the corolla throat and plicae.

Key words: Diffuse herbs, endemism, ITS sequence, Mopanshan Mountain, series Fimbriatae, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau

Holotype of Gentiana mopanshanensis sp. nov. (YUKU-05008414).

Gentiana mopanshanensis sp. nov.
 A habitat B habit C root D leaf blade (side view, showing adaxially densely and minutely papillate and transparent denticulate on margin) E closed flower F flower (front view) G dissected flower (showing the stamens and style) H mature fruit protruding from persistent corolla I stamens J pistils K seed.
 (Photographed by Huan-Chong Wang and Tao Chen)

 Gentiana mopanshanensis Huan C. Wang & Tao Chen bis, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Gentiana mopanshanensis is distinguishable from all other similar species of the genus by the combination of its rosulate basal leaves lanceolate to gladiate, up to 5 (6) cm long, cauline leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, throat of corolla blue maculate, plicae with 5–10 fimbriations, and fimbriation irregular in length, usually 0.5–2 mm long.

Etymology: The specific epithet “mopanshanensis” is derived from the type locality of the new species, the Mopanshan Mountain, and the Latin suffix -ensis, indicating the place of origin or growth.

Tao Chen, Ting-Ting Wang, Shao-Yun Liu and Huan-Chong Wang. 2024. Gentiana mopanshanensis (Gentianaceae), A New Species from Yunnan, southwest China. PhytoKeys. 239: 215-228. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.239.119800

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