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@ 2020-01-03 09:56:00

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[Botany • 2020] Primulina yulinensis (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from Guangxi, China

Primulina yulinensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu

in Qin, Ye, Xu & Liu, 2020. 
 Taiwania. 65(1) 

Primulina yulinensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the limestone area in Guangxi, China is here described and illustrated. P. yulinensis is similar to P. hezhouensis (W. H. Wu & W. B. Xu) W. B. Xu & K. F. Chung, but it differs from the latter by its smaller and margin lobed leaves, long pedicel, larger flower and 2-lipped limb.

Keyword: China, Chiritopsis, Gesneriaceae, new species, Primulina yulinensis

Fig. 1. Primulina yulinensis A: Flowering habit. B: Flower in side view. C: Opened corolla. D: Flower in top view. E: Flower in face view. F: Pistil and disc. G: Capsule. H: Calyx. I: Bract.

Fig. 2. Primulina yulinensis A: Flowering habit. B: Cyme. C: Capsule. D: Flower. E: Opened corolla. F: Flower in face view. G: Flower in side view. H: Pistil and disc. I: Bract with coarse teeth. J: Bract entire.

Primulina yulinensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu, sp. nov.
Primulina yulinensis is similar to P. hezhouensis (W. H. Wu & W. B. Xu) W. B. Xu & K. F. Chung, but it differs from the latter by its leaves 3.3–7 × 2.8–7.7 cm, margin lobed (vs. 7–13 × 6–12 cm, margin deeply lobed), pedicel 0.5–2 cm long (vs. 1–3 mm long), corolla ca. 1 cm long, corolla tube ca. 6.4 mm long, ca. 4.8 mm in diameter (corolla 3–5 mm long, corolla tube 3–4 mm long, ca. 2.5 mm in diameter), limb 2-lipped (vs. indistinctly 2-lipped). 

Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from Yulin city, Guangxi, China.  

Ying Qin, Xiao-Xia Ye, Wei-Bin Xu and Yan Liu. 2020. Primulina yulinensis, A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China. Taiwania. 65(1); 5-9. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.5  


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