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@ 2020-01-06 07:46:00

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[Botany • 2020] Hedysarum turcicum (Fabaceae: Hedysareae) • A New Species from Inner Anatolia, Turkey

Hedysarum turcicum Hamzaoğlu & Koç

in Hamzaoğlu & Koç, 2020. 

Hedysarum turcicum, a new species endemic to Inner Anatolia, Turkey, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Multicaulia in Hedysarum (Fabaceae) and it is related to H. elegans, H. cappadocicum, and H. persicum. Its description, images, chorology, and ecology, are provided. The diagnostic morphological characteristics, as well as a full description, ecological characteristics, and distribution data are given.

Keywords: Hedysarum, new species, Yozgat, Inner Anatolia, Turkey, Eudicots

FIGURE 1. Hedysarum turcicum Hamzaoğlu & Koç. A. Habit, B. Bract, C. Bracteoles, D. Calyx, E. Standard, F. Wings, G. Keel, H. Stamens and ovary, I. Fruit (pod)
(scale bar of B–I: 5 mm).

Hedysarum turcicum Hamzaoğlu & Koç, sp. nov.

Diagnosis:— Hedysarum turcicum is related to H. elegans in inflorescence, calyx and corolla dimensions, and pod number of segments, but can be distinguished by bracts (5–6 mm long and ovate-lanceolate versus 8–15 mm long and linear-lanceolate), bracteoles (3.5–4.5 mm long versus (7–)8–11 mm long), corolla colour (white or sometimes very pale pinkish versus purplish), and width of keels (6–8 mm versus 4–5 mm) in H. elegans (Table 1).

Habitat and Ecology:— Hedysarum turcicum belongs to Irano-Turanian phytogeographic region and is an endemic species for Inner Anatolia according to the current distribution information (Fig. 2). The species prefers marly steppes from around 1200–1400 meters. In general, these areas are under the influence of arid summers and a cold climate in winter. For now, it is estimated that it has grown in approximately 4 sq.km. only at the type locality. On the other hand; Boğazlıyan, Yenifakılı, Çayıralan districts in Yozgat province, and Felahiye, Özvatan, Sarıoğlan districts in Kayseri province have similar climate and soil areas are common. The species is very likely to grow in these areas. Therefore, it was decided that it would be appropriate to collect more data to determine the threat category of the new species.

Proposed Turkish name for the new species:—Türk batalağı.

 Ergin Hamzaoğlu and Murat Koç. 2020. Hedysarum turcicum (Hedysareae, Fabaceae), A New Species from Turkey. Phytotaxa. 428(1); 1–6. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.428.1.1

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