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@ 2020-01-08 06:47:00

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[Botany • 2020] Begonia phouchomvoyensis (Begoniaceae) • A New Species from Bolikhamxai, Lao PDR

Begonia phouchomvoyensis Lanors., Lamxay & Souvann.

in  Lanorsavanh, Hughes, Souvannakhoummane & Lamxay, 2020.
  Taiwania. 65(1)
ສົ້ມກຸ້ງພູຈອມວອຍ  ||  tai2.ntu.edu.tw/taiwania 

Begonia phouchomvoyensis, a new species from Phou Chom Voy Provincial Protected Area, Bolikhamxai province, Lao PDR, is described and illustrated. It is placed in Begonia sect. Platycentrum, and is assessed as belonging to the Vulnerable IUCN Category.

Keyword: Begonia phouchomvoyensis, Begoniaceae, biodiversity, Laos, new taxon, Phou Chom Voy, plant taxonomy

Fig. 1. Begonia phouchomvoyensis Lanors., Lamxay & Souvann.
A, habit; B, bract; C, pistillate flower; D, tepals of pistillate flowers; E, cross section of an ovary; F, style and stigmatic band; G, staminate flower, face view; H, anthers dorsal, face and lateral view; I, fruits lateral view. Scale bars: A, 3 cm; B-E, G and I, 1 cm; F, H, 1 mm. Line drawing by K. Souvannakhoummane.

Fig. 2. Begonia phouchomvoyensis Lanors., Lamxay & Souvann.
 A, rhizome; B, red hairs on young shoot; C, fruiting plant; D, flowering plant; E, inflorescences with staminate flowers and pistillate flowers; F, ripe fruit. Scale bar, 1 cm. photos, A, C & F by Soulivanh Lanorsavanh; B, D-E, by Vichith Lamxay.

Begonia phouchomvoyensis Lanors., Lamxay & Souvann., sp. nov. 
 Begonia Sect. Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A. DC. 

Similar to Begonia tamdaoensis C.-I Peng in habit, leaf shape, and having three styles, but differing in the glabrous stipules (vs. sparsely hispid), adaxial leaf surface strigose (vs. glabrous to subglabrous), pistillate flowers with three tepals (vs. five) and three-locular ovaries (vs. two-locular). Also similar to Begonia sinovietnamica C.Y.Wu in habit, but differing in the pistillate flowers with three tepals (vs. five) and outer tepals sparsely villous (vs. glabrous).
Distribution. Only known from Phou Chom Voy Provincial Protected Area, Bolikhamxai Province, Lao PDR. 

Ecology and phenology. Grows in evergreen montane forest near the summit of the range, 1200–1350 m a.s.l., in wet soil and rocks near streams. Flowering from November to December, fruiting January to Mach. 

Vernacular name. Som Koung Phou Chom Voy - ສົ້ມກຸ້ງພູຈອມວອຍ (suggested here).

Notes. The three species B. phouchomvoyensis, B. sinovietnamica and B. tamdaoensis appear to be closely allied, although they currently differ in sectional placement, with B. sinovietnamica being in sect. Diploclinium, and the other two species being in sect. Platycentrum (Moonlight et al. 2018). The placement of the rhizomatous species B. sinovietnamica is aberrant as sect. Diploclinium is composed of tuberous species, and it may fit better in sect. Platycentrum. The placement of B. phouchomvoyensis and B. tamdaoensisis somewhat aberrant for sect. Platycentrum as both possess three styles (not two as is usual for the section), and B. phouchomvoyensis has three-locular fruit; however, the combination of rhizomatous habit and axial placentation fit well for the section. The specific epithet ‘phouchomvoyensis’ is derived from the name of the type locality.

Soulivanh Lanorsavanh, Mark Hughes, Keooudone Souvannakhoummane and Vichith Lamxay. 2020. Begonia phouchomvoyensis (Begoniaceae), A New Species from Lao PDR. Taiwania. 65(1); 37-40. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2020.65.37 
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