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Пишет Richard Stallman's Political Notes ([info]syn_rms)
@ 2024-04-24 04:28:00

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Lukewarm adverts

Advertainment is taking over movie-making. Why spend money on product advertisements to accompany some sort of show if you can have the show based entirely on your product?

The article highlights a general tendency towards milking assets that are available rather than making anything new.

To describe the result, the article falls into the intellectual pitfall of the misleading term "intellectual property", which twists thinking about any of the disparate laws that have been crammed into it.

If you want to think clearly about copyright, for instance, shun the term "intellectual property" and say you are talking about "copyright". Don't bring patents into that discussion — they are totally different from copyright. Also don't bring in trademarks, or trade secrets, or publicity rights.

For this article's point, the term "licensing rentierism" would fit better and avoid that confusion.

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