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Пишет New Radical Right / Fascism / Clerical fascism ([info]szcf)
@ 2007-03-27 20:31:00

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Cas Mudde - Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe
Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe
Cas Mudde

Выходит 31 июля 2007 года в издательстве "Cambridge University Press". 384 страниц.

Оглавление -


Part I. Concepts
1. Constructing a conceptual framework
2. From conceptualization to classification: which parties?

Part II. Issues
3. Who's afraid of… ?
4. Männerparteien
5. It's not the economy, stupid!
6. Populist radical right democracy
7. 'Europe for the Europeans'
8. Globalization: the multi-faced enemy

Part III. Explanations
9. Demand: in search of the perfect breeding ground
10. External supply-side: political opportunity structures
11. Internal supply-side: the populist radical right party
12. Assessing impact: populist radical right parties vs. European democracies
13. Conclusions.