Fri, Apr. 17th, 2009, 04:07 am
[info]tapirr: Гефсиманское моление. Арест Иисуса

</cut>13 век The Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux, Arrestation ca. 1324–1328 Jean Pucelle (French, active in Paris, ca. 1320–34)

French; Made in Paris Grisaille and tempera on vellum; 3 1/2 x 2 7/16 in. (8.9 x 6.2 cm) The Cloisters Collection, 1954 (54.1.2) The 209 folios of The Hours of Jeanne d'Évreux include 25 full-page paintings with paired images from the Infancy and Passion of Christ and scenes of the life of Saint Louis. The figures are rendered in delicate grisaille (shades of gray) that imparts an amazingly sculptural quality, and the images are accented with rich reds and blues and touches of orange, yellow, pink, lilac, and turquoise. In the margins, close to 700 illustrations depict the bishops, beggars, street dancers, maidens, and musicians that peopled the streets of medieval Paris, as well as apes, rabbits, dogs, and creatures of sheer fantasy. All are brought to life by the keen observation, accomplished draftsmanship, and consummate imagination of the artist. This lavishly illustrated prayer book (Book of Hours) was created between 1324 and 1328 for Jeanne d'Évreux, queen of France, by the celebrated Parisian illuminator Jean Pucelle (active ca. 1320–34) and was intended for use by the queen during private prayer throughout the course of the day. Upon her death in 1371, Jeanne d'Évreux left the prayer book to King Charles V. At his death, the book entered the collection of another much lauded bibliophile, his brother Jean, Duke of Berry.

15 век Basaiti Christ praying in the garden Christ Praying in the Garden 1516

Oil on panel, 371 x 224 cm

Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice Marco Basaiti, an admirer of Antonello da Messina and Giovanni Bellini found himself fascinated at the beginning of the sixteenth century by the new artistic manner pioneered by Giorgione. Already in 'Christ Praying in the Garden' which adorned the first altar on the right in the Church of S. Giobbe and which belonged to the family of Francesco Foscari, the influence of the style of Antonello (visible in the integrity of colour of the figures and the arrangement of saints at the sides of the portico, of the apostles, and of Christ absorbed in prayer) gives way in the landscape to lyrically dreaming passages clearly drawing their spirit from Giorgione. Though this panel may not exactly offer a complete synthesis of the late fifteenth century world with the dazzling innovations of the early years of the sixteenth century, it is nevertheless emblematic of the meeting-point of two of the finest ages of Venetian painting.


12_St. Albans Psalter_Christ in the garden of Gethsemane Artwork: Christ in the garden of Gethsemane Artist: UNKNOWN; Illustrator of 'St. Albans Psalter', England, first half of 12th century Date: First half of the 12th century Technique: Miniature Location: University of Aberdeen, Historic Collections Notes: From the "St. Albans Psalter", created at St. Abans Abbey essentially by Geoffrey de Gorham (or Gorron), Abbot of St. Albans (1119-46) Subject: Praying in Agony Hosts: University of Aberdeen, Historic Collections

12_   век   St. Albans Psalter_hear my prayer and let my cry come to you Artwork: "Lord hear my prayer and let my cry come to you" Artist: UNKNOWN; Illustrator of 'St. Albans Psalter', England, first half of 12th century Date: First half of the 12th century Technique: Miniature Location: University of Aberdeen, Historic Collections Notes: From the "St. Albans Psalter", created at St. Abans Abbey essentially by Geoffrey de Gorham (or Gorron), Abbot of St. Albans (1119-46). Psalms 102:1: St Augustine interpreted this psalm in terms of Christ's agony in the garden of Gethsemane, where he asks God to remove the cup from him and he is strengthened by a comforting angel. Subject: 102: Hope for Zion Praying in Agony Hosts: University of Aberdeen, Historic Collections [IMAGE] Upper part of picture: University of Aberdeen, Historic Collections

13 Enluminure Gethsemane Nicea Or Nicomedia

13 Le Christ face au Père, à Gethsémani NDP Mur de clôture du choeur Notre-Dame de Paris [ Paris, France ].....Art Sacré-Le site est soutenu par la Fondation Parfum de Béthanie, créée par l'artiste suisse Madeline Diener. Il a été conçu par Marie Jeanne Coloni et Giovanni Polito, qui sont également auteurs de deux CD-Rom: "Rome et le Monde" et "Le Trésor des Cathédrales"

13 Les apôtres endormis à l’agonie NDPMur de clôture du choeurNotre-Dame de Paris[ Paris, France ].....Art Sacré-Le site est soutenu par la Fondation Parfum de Béthanie, créée par l'artiste suisse Madeline Diener. Il a été conçu par Marie Jeanne Coloni et Giovanni Polito, qui sont également auteurs de deux CD-Rom: "Rome et le Monde" et "Le Trésor des Cathédrales".

14 British library Gethsemany Description: (Whole folio) Christ prays in the Garden of Gethsemene with his apostles sleeping below Title of Work: The Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander Author: Simeon, scribe Illustrator: Turnovo school Production: Turnovo, 1355-1356 Language/Script: Bulgarian Church Slavonic (Cyrillic uncial)

15 Durer Christ on the Mount of Olives 1521 Pen and ink, 208 x 294 mm Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt Christ is lying completely flat on the ground ("fell on his face, and prayed"); Dürer could have seen this posture depicted by Mantegna. The rocks in starlike layers and the veil of mist pressing down from above lend support to the effect of the motif. The Apostles are small and are sitting off to a side by themselves

16_век COECKE_Agony in the garden Artwork: Agony in the garden, The Artist: COECKE van Aelst, Pieter Date: 1527-30 Technique: Oil on panel Location: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg Notes: Subject: Praying in Agony Hosts: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

16_MASTER M.S._Mount of Olives, The Artwork: Mount of Olives, The Artist: MASTER M.S. Date: 1506 Technique: Tempera on limewood Location: Christian Museum



La Bible- Nouvelle traduction de François Amiot et Robert Tamisier Illustrée par Edy Legrand _ Club bibliophile de France et club du livre -1950

фото: Гефсиманский сад сегодня

см. В Гефсиманском саду

13 Cimabue The capture of Christ The Capture of Christ (detail) - Fresco Upper Church, San Francesco, Assisi....Web Gallery Of Art

13 Rheinau Psalter The kiss of Judas 13th century Illumination on parchment Zentralbibliothek, Zurich The main characters of this crowded composition depicting the Kiss of Judas are Christ and Judas in the centre. On the left side Apostle Peter can be seen as cutting the ear of a soldier. The beautiful frame of the scene is remarkable. The codex was made in the Rheinau monastery

2 : Имя же рабу было Малх...

15 Bouts the capture of Christ The Capture of Christ - Oil on wood, 105 x 68 cm Alte Pinakothek, Munich
тут Малх очень выразительный

16 в.peinture tableau WOENSAM Anton Titre L'arrestation du Christ Ecole Allemagne 1ère moitié 16e siècle Lieu de conservation Chambéry ; musée des beaux-arts - - READ THE INSPIRING BIBLE -Or the image lit up by this writing Look at the bible reference and click on the "bible online" to read it . The "key words " help you to find other harmonics in the bible .Choose your langage with "update" LISEZ LE RECIT QUI INSPIRA CETTE IMAGE - Ou l'écrit jetant une lumière sur l'image Notez à la référence ci dessous Cliquez sur la "Bible on line" pour le lire- Par "update"choisissez une version française - Les mots clefs vous aident à trouver d'autres harmoniques dans la bible. Gethsemany, prayer and arrest of Jesus Matthew 26:30-56; Mark 14:26-52 Luke 22:19-53 ; John18:1-11 Gethsemané, Prière et arrestation de Jésus Matthieu 26:30-56; Marc 14:26-52 Luc 22:19-53 ; Jean 18:1-11

с петлёй


см. Арест

Суд у первосвященника

13 British library escorted by roman soldiers Description: Christ, escorted by Roman soldiers and held by Judas, being brought before the High Priest. This manuscript contains passages from the Gospels in liturgical sequence that are used as readings in church services. Tempera on paper. Title of Work: Syriac Lectionary. Author: - Illustrator: - Production: Mosul (Iraq), 1216-1220

см . Осуждён на смерть

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