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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
Re: Off-topic, par usual
"Yes, we had a fantastic time. Moebius and Roedelius had all the drums and electronics and they asked me if I wanted to do a record. So I said 'ok' and got a concert planned for 24 hours and it was good from the very first minute on. A lot of feedback and all those crackling sounds. The record was sponsored by the church. I discovered an advertisement in the newspaper from an organist who was interested in new music.
As I knew this guy from the time I lived in Düsseldorf, we went over there and played the tape to him. He said, "this is good, do you want to do a record?" We said, "That's ok." He continued, "But it's for the church; you'll have to include some texts on one side of the record." So we agreed. If you don't understand the German words, it sounds better. It's good for English-speaking people, because they don't understand the German language. Have you heard the record?

D: Yes.
CS: What do you think of the German words?

D: I don't understand them.
CS: That's good. If you know what it means, you'll find it terrible."

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