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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
>Почти все, из-за чего протестуют, так или иначе есть
>цена одной прохоровской вечеринки

Нет, выборы в Америке стоят несколько сотен миллиардов
даже если отмасштабировать до русской экономики,
"честные выборы" обойдутся в несколько миллиардов

(хотя требования "честных выборов" при сохранении
политической системы - такой же идиотский абсурд, как и борьба
за усыновление американцами)

>шанс усыновления -- то, ради чего стоит жить

не думаю, очень многие дети отказываются от усыновления,
их приходится усыновлять насильно

foster family в Америке (где детдомов просто нет)
это дикий ад с насилием не лучше отечественного детдома

At least 40 percent of children in foster care continue to be exposed to violence, even after entering out-of-home placement, reports a study in the May issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

The study, led by UCLA child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Bonnie Zima and authored by Dr. Brad Stein of Santa Monica-based RAND, also links violence exposure to high levels of distress among foster care children.

The researchers assessed lifetime and recent violence exposure in 300 Los Angeles County children, ages 6 to 12, living in foster care. During their lifetime, 85 percent reported witnessing violence, including weapon-related violence, and 51 percent were victims of violence.


One of the most tragic aspects of many of these cases is that the children suffer needlessly, for in their zeal to protect them against the perceived shortcomings of their natural parents, child protective workers placed them into dangerous homes that inflicted upon them precisely the injury they had hoped to prevent.

In the District of Columbia, social workers removed four of Debra Hampton's children from her home placing them in foster care. According to the testimony of a social worker, the children were removed because Mrs. Hampton had left them alone and was not properly supervising them, and her home was "generally uninhabitable."

Three months later, the foster mother left two-year-old Mykeeda Hampton at home for over ten hours. While she was out running errands, Mykeeda was beaten to death by the foster mothers' twelve-year-old son. An autopsy later established that the two-year-old died of "blunt force injuries to the head, abdomen, and back, with internal hemorrhaging." As of September 1995, several years after the incident, the case was still under litigation.

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