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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
очень простая

The answer is very simple.

All this Yoga that we know and practice, this Yoga that produced these ecstatic results that we call phenomena, includes among its spiritual emanations a good deal of unpleasantness. The more we study this universe produced by our Yoga, the more we collect and synthesize our experience, the nearer we get to a perception of what the Buddha declared to be characteristic of all component things:

Sorrow, Change, and Absence of any permanent principle. We constantly approach his enunciation of the first two 'Noble Truths,' as he called them. 'Everything is Sorrow'; and 'The cause of Sorrow is Desire.' By the word 'Desire' he meant exactly what is meant by 'Love' in 'The Book of the Law' which I quoted a few moments ago. 'Desire' is the need of every unit to extend its experience by combining with its opposite.

You and I
You and I
Living together
Loving forever
At our distance
Another for instance
United United
You become me
And I becomy you
She is she
And she is you too
United United
A corresponding game to play
A special way for us to stay
United United
Its a lie
Its the same
It's a sigh
It's a game
Its the why
Its the where and the when we're United
You and I You and I
United United
Four faces blending blending blending
Our places sending
Shades of evening
You and I You and I United United
Oceans between us
Sky between us
Land between us
Fire between us
We're United United


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