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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
Re: Со всей генной технологией нужно бороться
Rote Zora это же Revolutionary Cells
те самые кексы, которые собирались убить
Симона Визенталя за то, что он еврей, я нисколько не утрирую
то есть они действовали совместно с ПЛО, но
шокировали палестинцев крайним антисемитизмом


The antisemitism supposedly evident in the Entebbe hijacking had become the focus of long-running internal arguments during which one of the Revolutionary Cells members, Hans-Joachim Klein, eventually left the movement. Klein had sent a letter and his gun to Der Spiegel in 1977, announcing his resignation.[8] In an interview with Jean-Marcel Bougereau,

Klein expressed the view that the two German political militants who had participated in the Entebbe operation were more antisemitic than Wadie Haddad, leader of the PFLP operational division, for planning to assassinate the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal. Even the notorious political militant Carlos opposed this operation on the grounds that Wiesenthal was an anti-Nazi.[9][10]

According to Simon Wiesenthal (quoting Klein's Libération interview), the plot was first proposed by Wilfried Böse.[11]

Klein also announced that the Revolutionary Cells planned to assassinate the head of the German Jewish community, Heinz Galinski. The Revolutionary Cells responded to Klein's allegations with a letter of their own:

instead of reflecting on Galinski's role in the crimes of Zionism, for the cruelties of Israel's imperialistic army, you don't reflect on the propaganda work and material support of this guy, you don't see him as anything other than "a leader of the Jewish community", and: you don't reflect about what to do against this fact, and what could be done in a country like ours... You avoid this political discussion and get excited about the maintained (anti-semitism?) fascism of the Revolutionary Cells and the men behind them.[12]

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